
The one-and-only Napster needs no introduction. Using a powerful approach to archiving, each connected user's hard drive actually becomes part of an .mp3 collection of staggering proportions, often reaching sizes upwards of four terrabytes!

(Well, almost) If you want to squeeze some more speed out of your internet connection, then this should be worth the wait!

(Emu Classics)

Imagine owning every major video game console created (including portables) from AtariŽ 2600~SEGAŽ Dreamcast--all on your computer...for FREE! Welcome to the age of emmulators....

GT Interactive has brought us such memorable games as Quake, Unreal, Star Command, and many others you are sure to enjoy. Check out their site for free demo games...several hundred gigs worth!

ACD systems: makers of ACDSee, the ultimate in graphics handling software. Handles just about any file format known to mankind, and will even convert image formats for you. Features extremely fast loading of even the largest graphics, browsing of images as thumbnails, etc. This one is not to be missed, and should be considered standard-issue for any computer.


Ever wonder what happened to Virtual Reality? Ever heard of VRML? That's right, the Virtual Web is alive and well--and just waiting to pounce on an un-suspecting public... Of course, VRML is compatible with any VR suit, but if you don't have the $150 to invest in such novelties, don't worry: no extra hardware is required!

Arguably the best all-around media player for higher-end, Windows-based PCs. Supports skins, visualization/DSPeffect/input/output plugins; will even create your own internet "live" radio/TV channel. Very decent.

...An amazing program which plugs your trusty old 'puter into the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico. Become a part of the most powerful computer in mankind's recorded history, and aid the (private, non-government) Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence....Do Us All A Favor......

Do you chat? Not if you don't IRC.....Internet Relay Chat is a phenomenon which has been gathering it's loyal following for over half a decade now. Several million people worldwide employ this powerful angle of the web to communicate with others via public and private text chats, real time audio chat, and even full motion video. Most IRC client applications (including pIRCh) come complete with such features as .mp3 broadcasting, DCC file transfer, FServ capability, and even feature their own unique scripting languages. PIRCh is a user-friendly, and relatively potent Client app. in common use today.

One of the greatest acheivements of the IRC movement has been the development of a unique culture, the likes of which having never before been realized in recorded history. Persons from all walks of life, all over the world talking 10,000,000 voices all on one phone call.... It has its own language, customs, philosophies, and fads. War is commonly waged, but alliances are formed far more often. A favorite among the natives is mIRC.

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